Monday, April 21, 2014


This writer is really dumb Allah's prophet Muhammad. I wish I knew this guy and tell him that Allah means god in Arabic. He makes it seem like Islam is another religion were god is Allah. The problem that Iran has and with its geographical disability is that its easy to take over and can be con quested. Iran was mostly known as Persia. I know this because I am taking an Islam and the West class and the professor is from Iran. I did not know that Iran has so many Languages from Turkic, Farsis, Kurdish, and Arabic. The book also focus on Nuclear Weapons that Iran is making. This author has a hidden agenda. The Shah is a Persian King that ruled in Iran for a while and had US support to keep power. I think that Iran Quarrels about their economy because the USA has put sanctions on Iran. Islam is also an issue because they have not separated states and church,  but they will eventually. My news post is on Iran"s nuclear power activities.   

Monday, April 14, 2014


The Nigerians are just like Mexicans they had their own civilization before the Europeans came and toke over. The Nigerian country was discovered by  Portugal in their trade to find more slaves. When the Europeans were colonizing the new world they needed people to work the sugar cane industry that England had a crave for.  Nigeria has a Muslim population, which i think this author makes it seems like this is the issue. Nigeria is surrounded by Algeria, Libya, Chad, Nigeria, and Mali. Nigeria became a country after WWII because the European empire were weakened by WWII. England was in charge of Nigeria, when the crown rule left the settlers wanted to keep their rule, but it failed. Their key institutions are modeled after the USA and the UK. Nigeria has a federal system like the USA, but they keep making more making more states they currently have 36 states. Nigeria has a lot of problems it makes Mexico look like its really doing well. My link is own a bombing in Nigeria

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Link for Brazil

This is my link I forgot to post it enjoy the World Cup FIFA.

Longos Brasil Ao Vivo

The great country of Brazil, which is more famous for soccer than anything else. And who can forget the great Edson Arantes Do Nascimentos better known as Pele with his legendary soccer skills that will never be matched by any other player recently. Moreover, the Spaniards and the Portuguese had difference in imperializing. The first difference is that the Spaniards quickly when to Latin America To explode their natural resources. The Portuguese did not they were more interested with trade especially with China. The Portuguese did nothing with Brazil for 30 years this meaning that the native people of Brazil had no colonial control over Brazil. The name Brazil comes from a red wood that made a color mark called brazed color. The Portuguese started to pay attention to Brazil in 1530 because the French started to settle there and the Portuguese started to pay attention to Brazil. The Fifa will be held in Brazil 2014 I can't wait to see the teams duke it out.

Monday, March 31, 2014


This reading was interesting because I learned so much about Mexico. For example I did not know that Mexico had military dictators. I have to say that the Narcocorridos part of the section is wrong. Narcocorridos started when the newspaper industry kicked off. In order for little children to sell more newspaper they would sing about the hot news. This was the start of Narcocorridos it did not just start when people started to sell drugs. People were making songs about people since the news paper era began. Narcocorridos are songs of cartel leaders and how much money they have an all the women that follow them. But a corrido is a story of a persons life he does not have to be a drug dealer. Also the book is wrong about Mexico becoming a democracy because the political party PAN was made by el PRI so nope. My link is about Mexico and its insecurity, which is a huge problem in Mexico ever since Calderon came to Presidency.

Monday, March 24, 2014


The chapter that I read was on India. The country of India developed a democracy, which is heavily based on the British model of government and took some U.S. incorporation to the system. The introduction to this chapter was interesting because the next countries that they will talk about are developing countries. India is rare because they adopted democracy before they could reach the GDP of 8,000. India adapted the the British Parliament system and their constitution is suppose to be socialist, secular, and democratic. The Prime Minister of India has all the power because Jawaharla Nehru was in power for 17 years. They also have a bicameral Parliament system just like the UK. The upper house is composed of the states and the Lower house is the most powerful its called the LOK Sabha, which means Peoples Assembly. They use U.S techniques to choose their assembly members by voting one third the members every two years. They have also adopted the American Judiciary system by making a Supreme Court in India. My post is on the two economies future mass economies which are China and India.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

China and its politics

While reading the assigned reading I found The New China Model extremely interesting. I found some similarities with Russia they have a one party ruler, and the elite control the dominate party. The party also selects the future people that are going to follow after them. This would not fly in the USA. Although, sometimes I feel that we should have one party in the US I am happy that we have two parties to choose from. I really like how the same party is in charge of keeping corruption on check, what could go wrong? The same party can be corrupt and nobody can. The other thing that I do not enjoy is how they keep the peasants out of the big cities this is why revolutions are started because they are denied basic access to things. With these types of rules a revolution will soon come to China and I want to see what the US will do when it does happen. My article is on how China cannot afford its military and why do they want a bigger military?

Monday, March 10, 2014


The great nation of Russia, the large enemy of the United States of America. I learned that the Russian language has many roots from the Greeks. I always wondered were the back words double r came from. It might of been the Greeks. Moscow was established as the capitol of Russia under the rule of Tatars. The Russian's were also conquered by the Mongols and were called the Tatars. The book says not to call them tarts. The Russians were forced to be modernized by Peter I, but were still behind the rest of western Europe. Communism is also another thing that Russians are known for and scar the USA a lot. The author talks about the Soviet Unions and how they us to run things and how it resembled Nazi Germany. They have a bicameral parliament, semi-presidential system, and a constitutional court. My link is on US and Russia tension and what side should China take.   

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Japan's Chapter

Their is still deep feudalism influence in Japans current government because they still feel that certain people from a certain family are better at ruling. The book says that in the USA we have families that like to be involved in politics, but in Japan its a more extreme environment. They also have corruption scandals and they have caught politicians bribing their way to the top. Wow, and here I thought that the Mexican government wasn't doing a great job. Tokugawa's policy of not letting any foreign person into Japan was mostly because he felt that Europeans were a threat because he had communication with China and Korean and he would hear about the things that the Europeans would do. Furthermore, Tokugawa did not let his country become more advance and of course Tokugawa is the family name of the clan that was successful in uniting Japan. The no one in Charge theory is the they that in a group nobody sticks out everybody is the same they have a saying that nail that sticks out gets the hammer. In addition, this environment makes it impossible for entrepreneur to strive. The other interesting thing that the book talks about is no loser theories which is also interesting nobody ever losses in this country. My post is on the economy of Japan which is still having a hard time, but it is not the only one in the world.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Germany Autobahn

The first Reich was a fragmented Germany were they really did not have an identity then they started to unite then with the defeat of Napoleon they finally made the German confederation of 39 states. Then, in 1848 revolution broke out and the German confederation wanted to give monarchy power to Prussia. The second Reich started in 1871-1918, but it was not a democracy, which was basically a dictatorship. The third Reich was when the Nazis came into power and started conquering everything. The Weimar Republic was what was left after World War I, which left Germany broke and hyper inflation took over because England and France were charging the Germans Money. Plus, Weirmar Republic was not successful because the winners of the war made it, Germans had no experience with democracy, and finally the treaty humiliated the Germans and economically crippled the Germans. My link is about how children in Germany learn about the Holocaust.  

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The French Chapter

This chapter was very interesting it had a lot on the development of the French Nation. The French Revolution was caused by many factors. For example, they were near bankruptcy, government was corrupt, and the ideas of "liberty," "consent of government," and "the general will," came in play. Before the French Revolution, they had three estates that gave all the power to the nobles and aristocrats, which the common people did not like and felt oppressed by. The rise of the merchants, which were becoming more wealthy, felt offended by the way the aristocrats felt natural supremacy over merchants. This chapter also showed me how Nazi Germany was able to easily take over France and how much pressure is put on students, which is a swim or sink theory. The unemployment numbers are double of those of the U.S.A., which the book states as the governments problem because of high taxes and difficult ways of firing. My link is about France's economy which is going bad according to the private sector a lot of businesses are moving out of France. Furthermore, their poverty level is rising I wonder how France is planning to fix their economic problems. Enjoy.        

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The start of the English Democracy was when Knights and nobles started the house of commons  and the the house of lords, which later was put out of power by the house of commons. The real start of Democracy for me at least is when Henry VIII kicks out Catholicism, which in return gives the power back to the common people and not the church. Later, Parliament really kicked off when they beheaded Charles I, this was the first beheading of a king and the last. The prime ministerial government is different than the presidential government because the voters pick different parties for the seat in the house of commons. Then, the house of commons votes for the Prime Minister, which is a member of the house of commons, and the Prime Minister elects the cabinet. Which is a different in America were we elect the president.  My link is about a member of the British Parliament, which was in France and whore a Nazi uniform. The member is from the house of lord , but he made the British government look like a bunch of racists.     

Saturday, January 18, 2014

I really enjoyed this reading because it talked about politics and different views of which one is the best democracy. The reading was easier to understand when I read all the parts that are not in another color, and then I came back to the highlighted area. While reading I learned a couple of new definitions like nations means birth in Latin, and of course this comes as a shock to me because I speak Spanish but never really paid attention to the word. The history on the separation of state and church in my perspective is very important to why we have a democratic systems today. I like the phrase clerical-anticlerical split it just sound so celestial when it means the split of state and church. I believe that more evidence should be giving in order to argue that gross domestic product earnings per country can contribute to when democracy starts. The reading also talks about corruption and how countries are corrupt, but they should of expanded more on how to fix corruptions or give suggestion on how to fix. Only two types of democracies exist in the world which are parliament and federalism. They go on to explaining how parliament works and how the prime minister has limited powers. Failed states is mentioned in the text and I wondered if Syria is considered a failed state, so my link is about Syria and how they cannot free themselves from President Assad Regime. The loss of a Syrian generation because children cannot go to school and the future of the nation is uncertain.