Monday, March 10, 2014


The great nation of Russia, the large enemy of the United States of America. I learned that the Russian language has many roots from the Greeks. I always wondered were the back words double r came from. It might of been the Greeks. Moscow was established as the capitol of Russia under the rule of Tatars. The Russian's were also conquered by the Mongols and were called the Tatars. The book says not to call them tarts. The Russians were forced to be modernized by Peter I, but were still behind the rest of western Europe. Communism is also another thing that Russians are known for and scar the USA a lot. The author talks about the Soviet Unions and how they us to run things and how it resembled Nazi Germany. They have a bicameral parliament, semi-presidential system, and a constitutional court. My link is on US and Russia tension and what side should China take.   

1 comment:

  1. This post was very informational! I had no idea that the Russian language had many roots from the Greeks. The Russians are very bold from what I learned! Learning about Russia was very interesting and the geography is unique, however I don't think I would ever want to live there!
