Monday, March 31, 2014


This reading was interesting because I learned so much about Mexico. For example I did not know that Mexico had military dictators. I have to say that the Narcocorridos part of the section is wrong. Narcocorridos started when the newspaper industry kicked off. In order for little children to sell more newspaper they would sing about the hot news. This was the start of Narcocorridos it did not just start when people started to sell drugs. People were making songs about people since the news paper era began. Narcocorridos are songs of cartel leaders and how much money they have an all the women that follow them. But a corrido is a story of a persons life he does not have to be a drug dealer. Also the book is wrong about Mexico becoming a democracy because the political party PAN was made by el PRI so nope. My link is about Mexico and its insecurity, which is a huge problem in Mexico ever since Calderon came to Presidency.

Monday, March 24, 2014


The chapter that I read was on India. The country of India developed a democracy, which is heavily based on the British model of government and took some U.S. incorporation to the system. The introduction to this chapter was interesting because the next countries that they will talk about are developing countries. India is rare because they adopted democracy before they could reach the GDP of 8,000. India adapted the the British Parliament system and their constitution is suppose to be socialist, secular, and democratic. The Prime Minister of India has all the power because Jawaharla Nehru was in power for 17 years. They also have a bicameral Parliament system just like the UK. The upper house is composed of the states and the Lower house is the most powerful its called the LOK Sabha, which means Peoples Assembly. They use U.S techniques to choose their assembly members by voting one third the members every two years. They have also adopted the American Judiciary system by making a Supreme Court in India. My post is on the two economies future mass economies which are China and India.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

China and its politics

While reading the assigned reading I found The New China Model extremely interesting. I found some similarities with Russia they have a one party ruler, and the elite control the dominate party. The party also selects the future people that are going to follow after them. This would not fly in the USA. Although, sometimes I feel that we should have one party in the US I am happy that we have two parties to choose from. I really like how the same party is in charge of keeping corruption on check, what could go wrong? The same party can be corrupt and nobody can. The other thing that I do not enjoy is how they keep the peasants out of the big cities this is why revolutions are started because they are denied basic access to things. With these types of rules a revolution will soon come to China and I want to see what the US will do when it does happen. My article is on how China cannot afford its military and why do they want a bigger military?

Monday, March 10, 2014


The great nation of Russia, the large enemy of the United States of America. I learned that the Russian language has many roots from the Greeks. I always wondered were the back words double r came from. It might of been the Greeks. Moscow was established as the capitol of Russia under the rule of Tatars. The Russian's were also conquered by the Mongols and were called the Tatars. The book says not to call them tarts. The Russians were forced to be modernized by Peter I, but were still behind the rest of western Europe. Communism is also another thing that Russians are known for and scar the USA a lot. The author talks about the Soviet Unions and how they us to run things and how it resembled Nazi Germany. They have a bicameral parliament, semi-presidential system, and a constitutional court. My link is on US and Russia tension and what side should China take.