Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Japan's Chapter

Their is still deep feudalism influence in Japans current government because they still feel that certain people from a certain family are better at ruling. The book says that in the USA we have families that like to be involved in politics, but in Japan its a more extreme environment. They also have corruption scandals and they have caught politicians bribing their way to the top. Wow, and here I thought that the Mexican government wasn't doing a great job. Tokugawa's policy of not letting any foreign person into Japan was mostly because he felt that Europeans were a threat because he had communication with China and Korean and he would hear about the things that the Europeans would do. Furthermore, Tokugawa did not let his country become more advance and of course Tokugawa is the family name of the clan that was successful in uniting Japan. The no one in Charge theory is the they that in a group nobody sticks out everybody is the same they have a saying that nail that sticks out gets the hammer. In addition, this environment makes it impossible for entrepreneur to strive. The other interesting thing that the book talks about is no loser theories which is also interesting nobody ever losses in this country. My post is on the economy of Japan which is still having a hard time, but it is not the only one in the world. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/18/us-japan-economy-boj-idUSBREA1G1ED20140218

Friday, February 7, 2014

Germany Autobahn

The first Reich was a fragmented Germany were they really did not have an identity then they started to unite then with the defeat of Napoleon they finally made the German confederation of 39 states. Then, in 1848 revolution broke out and the German confederation wanted to give monarchy power to Prussia. The second Reich started in 1871-1918, but it was not a democracy, which was basically a dictatorship. The third Reich was when the Nazis came into power and started conquering everything. The Weimar Republic was what was left after World War I, which left Germany broke and hyper inflation took over because England and France were charging the Germans Money. Plus, Weirmar Republic was not successful because the winners of the war made it, Germans had no experience with democracy, and finally the treaty humiliated the Germans and economically crippled the Germans. My link is about how children in Germany learn about the Holocaust. http://www.slate.com/blogs/quora/2014/02/06/how_do_german_students_learn_about_the_holocaust.html  

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The French Chapter

This chapter was very interesting it had a lot on the development of the French Nation. The French Revolution was caused by many factors. For example, they were near bankruptcy, government was corrupt, and the ideas of "liberty," "consent of government," and "the general will," came in play. Before the French Revolution, they had three estates that gave all the power to the nobles and aristocrats, which the common people did not like and felt oppressed by. The rise of the merchants, which were becoming more wealthy, felt offended by the way the aristocrats felt natural supremacy over merchants. This chapter also showed me how Nazi Germany was able to easily take over France and how much pressure is put on students, which is a swim or sink theory. The unemployment numbers are double of those of the U.S.A., which the book states as the governments problem because of high taxes and difficult ways of firing. My link is about France's economy which is going bad according to the private sector a lot of businesses are moving out of France. Furthermore, their poverty level is rising I wonder how France is planning to fix their economic problems. Enjoy. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2549140/Foreign-investment-France-plunges-77-cent-Hollandes-socialist-policies-drive-businesses-away.html