Saturday, January 25, 2014

The start of the English Democracy was when Knights and nobles started the house of commons  and the the house of lords, which later was put out of power by the house of commons. The real start of Democracy for me at least is when Henry VIII kicks out Catholicism, which in return gives the power back to the common people and not the church. Later, Parliament really kicked off when they beheaded Charles I, this was the first beheading of a king and the last. The prime ministerial government is different than the presidential government because the voters pick different parties for the seat in the house of commons. Then, the house of commons votes for the Prime Minister, which is a member of the house of commons, and the Prime Minister elects the cabinet. Which is a different in America were we elect the president.  My link is about a member of the British Parliament, which was in France and whore a Nazi uniform. The member is from the house of lord , but he made the British government look like a bunch of racists.     

Saturday, January 18, 2014

I really enjoyed this reading because it talked about politics and different views of which one is the best democracy. The reading was easier to understand when I read all the parts that are not in another color, and then I came back to the highlighted area. While reading I learned a couple of new definitions like nations means birth in Latin, and of course this comes as a shock to me because I speak Spanish but never really paid attention to the word. The history on the separation of state and church in my perspective is very important to why we have a democratic systems today. I like the phrase clerical-anticlerical split it just sound so celestial when it means the split of state and church. I believe that more evidence should be giving in order to argue that gross domestic product earnings per country can contribute to when democracy starts. The reading also talks about corruption and how countries are corrupt, but they should of expanded more on how to fix corruptions or give suggestion on how to fix. Only two types of democracies exist in the world which are parliament and federalism. They go on to explaining how parliament works and how the prime minister has limited powers. Failed states is mentioned in the text and I wondered if Syria is considered a failed state, so my link is about Syria and how they cannot free themselves from President Assad Regime. The loss of a Syrian generation because children cannot go to school and the future of the nation is uncertain.